After a lengthy period of consultation with IUCN Members in the regions, the Interregional Committee for Europe, North and Central Asia (ICENCA) was formally approved by IUCN Council in June 2022.

The ICENCA seeks to add value and provide a legitimate IUCN mechanism to generate practical and pragmatic assistance for strengthening cooperation and collaboration between all IUCN entities in Europe, North and Central Asia. It is a voluntary initiative supporting the existing IUCN Regional Committee structure and the One Programme approach, arising from, and with the support of, the IUCN membership of the two regions. 

The terms of reference are found in a by-laws document which you can read here

The ICENCA is managed through a nominated Steering Committee and a Leadership team with two Co-Chairs. You can see the full Steering Committee membership here

ICENCA Steering Committee meetings are attended by those nominated along with IUCN Secretariat representatives from the IUCN Regional Offices, Councillors elected from the regions and from the  IUCN Commissions. You can see the presentations from these meetings here

ICENCA represents over 325 Member organisations in West Europe: (c23% of the global IUCN membership) and more than 65 Member organisations in East Europe, North and Central Asia (c5% of global IUCN membership), so a total of 390 Member organisations, 28% of IUCN Member organisations collectively. 

These are represented by 11 National Committees and 3 Country Focal Points in West Europe and 3 National Committees and 2 Country Focal Points in East Europe, North and Central Asia.  



For more information on ICENCA please contact: 

Co-Secretary West Europe – Ann-Katrine Garn (Denmark), Co-Secretary West Europe

Co-Secretary East Europe, North and Central Asia - Ancuta Fedorca (Romania)Co-Secretary East Europe, North and Central Asia