Best Practice of National Red Listing Workshop 

Herman Teirlinck Building, Av. du Port 88, 1000 Brussels

27th September 2024

The workshop is organized as an initiative of the ICENCA and covers all IUCN regions of the committee in collaboration with the IUCN regional Offices, as well as the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), IUCN SSC, IUCN Red List Unit Cambridge, IUCN National Red List Working Group, The Leo foundation, and the Belgian Biodiversity Platform. This workshop has been organised in partnership with the Regional Conservation Forum for Europe, North Central Asia, taking place Sept 30th - Oct 3rd, Bruges, Belgium. More details on the practical arrangements for attending both meetings can be found below. 


Moderated by Divija Jata, Belgian Biodiversity Platform 

8.30 - 9.00  Registration and Coffee
9.00 - 11.00 

Introduction to workshop scope, Hans de Iongh (Co-Chair, ICENCA & Chair Leo Foundation)

Opening remarks and welcome addressHilde Eggermont (Vice President IUCN and Director INBO, Belgium) 

The role of the regional offices in national & regional red listing, Boris Erg (Director of IUCN-EURO)

The importance of national and regional red listingJon Paul Rodrigues (Chair IUCN-SSC) 

Development of IUCN Guidelines for national red listingNeil Cox (IUCN National Red List Working Group) 

Using the IUCN Red List criteria for regional & national Red Lists, Caroline Pollock (IUCN Red List Unit) 

11.00 - 11.20 Break 
11.20 - 13.00

National red listing in The NetherlandsBaudewijn Odé (FLORON, The Netherlands) 

The role of the National Red List website and online network to support national red listing, Sophie Ledger (Zoological Society of London) 

The French example of national red listingMaud Lelièvre (IUCN French national committee)

Participants’ discussion 

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch 
14.00 - 15.00 

National red listing in the Russian FederationAnna Belousova (VNII Ecology, Russian Federation) 

National red listing of vertebrates in PolandM. Michlewicz and A. Kepel (Polish Society for Nature Conservation “Salamandra”) 

National red listing of birds in Armenia, Karen Aghababyan (BirdLinks, Armenia) 

Regional red listing in Flanders, BelgiumP. Vanormelingen (Natuurpunt, Belgium) and Geert De Knijf (INBO, Belgium) 

15.00 - 15.20  Break
15.30 - 17.30 

National red listing in Spain, Jesús Bellido López (IUCN National Committee, Spain) 

National red listing in KazakhstanAidyn Yeszhanov (Institute of Zoology, Kazakhstan) 

After national red listing - conservation planning of European pollinators, Ann-Katrine Garn (IUCN-SSC CPSG Europe, Copenhagen Zoo)

National red listing in RomaniaJohn Smaranda (Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forest, Romania) 

Panel discussion on best practice of national red listing: reflections and recommendations

S. Ledger, K. Swinnen, C. Pollock, J. P. Rodrigues & N. Cox


17.30 - 19.00  Networking 

Download full programme here



Optional excursion to Zwin Nature Park and onward travel to Bruges - Saturday 28th September. 

In order to bridge the weekend to the IUCN RCF, which will start on Monday the 30th of September 2024 in Bruges, we will organize a full day excursion with a guided tour to Zwin Nature Reserve. For those participants who are registered for the excursion buses will depart in front of INBO on Saturday the 28th of September 2024 at 9.00 am sharp and we will arrive around 11.00 am at Nature reserve Het Zwin.

The excursion will consist of a guided tour in several groups and will last until latest 17.00 pm.

After 17.00 pm the buses will drop those participants who attend the IUCN RCF in Bruges. Other participants will be dropped at a main train station where they can journey back to Brussels. 

Accommodation in Brussels

We recommend staying at the President Brussels Hotel, which is a 15min walk from the Workshop venue. 


The details for making payments will be shared by email after completing the registration form. Please note that registration will not be complete until payment has been received. Due to limited spaces for the event, we will be allocating places on a first come first serve basis, therefore be sure to not lose your spot! 

Workshop Fee : For the workshop, there will be a registration fee for participants of 35 euros per person; coffee, tea and snacks are included.

Excursion Fee: For the excursion to Nature reserve Het Zwin, there is a fee of 55 euros per person. This amount will cover the bus trip from Brussels to Het Zwin and to Bruges, entrance ticket to Nature reserve Het Zwin, and a guided tour on Saturday the 28th of  September 2024.

Attending the Regional Conservation Forum 

Participants are encouraged to combine their attendance to the Red List Workshop with the IUCN Regional Conservation Forum Europe, North and Central Asia (RCF24ENCA), taking place 28th Sept - 3rd October in Bruges, Belgium. RCF24ENCA will gather around 400 delegates, including IUCN Member organisations from the regions, experts and scientists from IUCN Commissions, representatives of the private sector, partner organisations and institutions, donors and foundations, and Host City representatives.  Register now to also attend the RCF24ENCA

For more information please contact the Organising Committee